

(1)新兴污染物的环境行为及效应:研究新兴污染物在环境中的赋存、迁移、转化等行为和相关机制,以及对植物带来的一系列胁迫效应。 (2)植物修复技术处理新兴污染物的微生物过程:研究根系分泌物介导下,根际微生物降解新兴污染物的作用及机制。 (3)河湖治理技术的改进:对生态修复工程技术进行改进,研究耦合工艺的优化、效果及机制,实现河湖水质提升和生态修复的目的。

代表性论文如下: 1. Yifei Li, Jie Lian, Bing Wu, Hua Zou*, Soon Keat Tan, Phytoremediation of pharmaceutical-contaminated wastewater: Insights into rhizobacterial dynamics related to pollutant degradation mechanisms during plant life cycle. Chemosphere, 2020, 253: 126681. 2. Yifei Li, Lee Nuang Sim, Jia Shin Ho, Tzyy Haur Chong, Bing Wu*, Yu Liu*. Integration of an anaerobic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactor (MBR) with zeolite adsorption and reverse osmosis (RO) for municipal wastewater reclamation: Comparison with an anoxic-aerobic MBR coupled with RO. Chemosphere, 2020, 245: 125569. 3. Yifei Li*, Jiefeng Zhang, Guibing Zhu*, Yu Liu, Bing Wu, Wun Jern Ng, Adhityan Appan, Soon Keat Tan. Phytoextraction, phytotransformation and rhizodegradation of ibuprofen associated with Typha angustifolia in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Water Research, 2016, 102: 294-304. 4. Yifei Li*, Bing Wu, Guibing Zhu*, Yu Liu, Wun Jern Ng, Adhityan Appan, Soon Keat Tan. High-throughput pyrosequencing analysis of bacteria relevant to cometabolic and metabolic degradation of ibuprofen in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 562: 604-613. 5. Yifei Li*, Guibing Zhu, Wun Jern Ng, Soon Keat Tan. A review on removing pharmaceutical contaminants from wastewater by constructed wetlands: Design, performance and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 468-469: 908-932.

1.2017年入选江苏省“双创博士(世界名校类)”人才。 2.2019年中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步奖二等奖(排名第二):城镇水环境生态治理集成技术及应用。
李祎飞,廉杰,邹华,王晓暄,殷启凡,程睿,王震宇. 一种河湖淤泥就地处理的一体化滨岸带系统及其应用. 中国,ZL 2019 1 0542919.6.
李祎飞, 廉杰, 邹华, 王晓暄, 叶彬, 王震宇. 一种测定根系分泌物中有机酸含量的方法. 中国,ZL 2019 1 1358023.9.
Li Yifei, Zou Hua, Lian Jie, Ding Jiannan, Fu Shanfei, Wang Zhenyu. Integrated riparian system for on-site treatment of river/lake silt and application thereof. PCT/CN2020/096913.
一种曝气耦合人工湿地的系统及其应用. 202010722619.9.
已毕业硕士2名 |