〖学习经历〗: 2011.09-2014.06,浙江农林大学,土壤学专业,硕士 2016.03-2020.06,University of Liverpool,环境科学专业,博士 〖研究经历〗: 2014.07-2015.10,浙江农林大学,环境与资源学院,科研助理 2021.01至今,欧洲杯下单平台,副教授 〖学术及社会兼职〗:
担任Frontiers in Environmental Science,Carbon Research期刊编委,Frontiers in soil science特刊编辑。
硕士研究生:环境污染风险评估方法 本 科 生:环境生物学(双语),农业生物质资源利用,环境与可持续发展
主要研究方向:重金属污染环境风险评估,生物质炭的环境功能,土壤污染修复,微量元素对蓝藻爆发的影响等。 【主要论著】 共发表学术论文23篇,论文总被引1680次,其中3篇入选ESI高被引论文。 近五年发表的代表性论文: 1. Zhang, X., Wells, M., Niazi, N., Bolan, N., Shaheeng, S., Hou, D., Gao, B., Wang, H., Rinklebe, J., Wang, Z*., 2022. Nanobiochar-rhizosphere interactions: Implications for the remediation of heavy-metal contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 299, 118810. 2. Zhang, X., Li, B., Schillereff, D.N., Chiverrell, R.C., Tefsen, B., Wells, M*., 2022. Whole-cell biosensors for determination of bioavailable pollutants in soils and sediments: Theory and practice. Science of The Total Environment 811, 152178. 3. Zhang, X., Li, B., Deng, J., Qin, B., Wells, M*., Tefsen, B., 2020. Advances in freshwater risk assessment: improved accuracy of dissolved organic matter-metal speciation prediction and rapid biological validation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202, 110848. 4. Zhang, X., Li, B., Deng, J., Qin, B., Wells, M*., Tefsen, B., 2020. Quantitative high-throughput approach to chalkophore screening in freshwaters. Science of the Total Environment, 735, 139476. 5. Zhang, X, Li, B., Deng, J., Qin, B., Wells, M*., Tefsen, B., 2020. Regional-scale investigation of dissolved organic matter and lead binding in a large impacted lake with a focus on environmental risk assessment. Water Research 172, 115478. 6. Zhang, X., Li, B., Xu, H., Wells, M*., Tefsen, B., Qin, B., 2019. Effect of micronutrients on algae in different regions of Taihu, a large, spatially diverse, hypereutrophic lake. Water Research 151, 500-514. 7. Zhang, X., Qin, B., Deng, J., Wells*, M., 2017. Whole-cell bioreporters and risk assessment of environmental pollution: A proof-of-concept study using lead. Environmental Pollution 229, 902-910. 参与撰写相关书稿: 1. Zhang, X., Luo, Y., Müller, K., Chen, J., Lin, Q., Xu, J., Tian, Y., Cong, H., Wang, H. 2015. Research and application of biochar in China. In: Agricultural and environmental applications of biochar: Advances and barriers. M. Guo, Z. He, S.M. Uchimiya (ed.). SSSA Special Publication 63. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, WI, USA. 2. Zhang, X., McGrouther, K., He, L., Huang, H., Lu, K., Wang, H. 2015. Chapter 6. Biochar for organic contaminant management in soil. Pp 139-166. In: Biochar: Production, Characterization, and Applications. Y.S. Ok, S.M. Uchimiya, S.X. Chang, N.S. Bolan (ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 【科研项目】 国家自然科学基金青年基金:纳米生物质炭和重金属的根际行为及对作物品质影响机制研究(42107245), 2022-2024年,主持 中国博士后科学基金第70批面上资助:基于全细胞生物传感器的湖泊底泥铅生物有效性及环境风险评估研究,2021.03-2023.02, 2021M701455,主持 【在读硕、博士人数】 在读硕士生3名