〖学习经历〗: 2014.09-2018.10,哈尔滨工业大学,环境科学与工程,博士 2011.09-2014.07,湘潭大学,环境工程,硕士 2007.09-2011.07,湘潭大学,环境工程,学士 〖研究经历〗: 2018.08-2020.10,National University of Singapore,博士后研究员 2021.01-至今,欧洲杯下单平台,副研究员 〖学术及社会兼职〗: 1. 新加坡环境工程协会(EESS)会员 2. 世界水环境联合会WEF(Water Environment Federation)会员 3. 常州云彩智慧环境技术有限公司 技术总监 担任Journal of Membrane Science,Water Research,Chemical Engineering Journal,Bioresource Technology等国际学术期刊审稿人
博士研究生: 硕士研究生:膜生物反应器技术原理及应用 本 科 生:环境工程新生研讨课
博士研究生: 硕士研究生:膜法水处理新技术;高盐工业废水处理与回用
(1)新型膜生物反应器技术原理与开发:将生物技术、膜技术和各种产能技术相结合开发面向未来水处理领域的新型工艺,同步实现污水回用与能源回收。 (2)膜污染机理与控制:针对膜法水处理技术存在的膜污染问题,借助现代分析工具从膜面微界面作用、污染物相互作用、污染层发展规律等角度解析膜污染形成与发展机制,进而从膜改性、操作条件调控和膜清洗等方面实现膜污染控制。 (3)典型污水处理与回用工艺的研发及应用:针对分散生活污水以及化工废水和垃圾渗滤液等含盐废水,开发一系列的以膜分离技术为核心的污水处理工艺,实现污水的再生利用。
近年来,在国内外核心期刊发表学术论文及著作10余篇。代表性成果如下: 1. Weilong Song, Zhipeng Li, Yizhu Li, et al. Facile sol-gel coating process for anti-biofouling modification of poly (vinylidene fluoride) microfiltration membrane based on novel zwitterionic organosilica. Journal of Membrane Science, 550 (2018) 266–277. 2. Weilong Song, Lai Yoke Lee, Xueqing Shi, How Yong Ng, et al. Spatial variation of fouling behavior in high recovery nanofiltration for industrial reverse osmosis brine treatment towards zero liquid discharge. Journal of Membrane Science (2020) 118185. 3. Weilong Song, Zhipeng Li, Yi Ding, et al. Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor for treating saline wastewater from mariculture: Assessment of pollutants removal and membrane filtration performance. Chemical Engineering Journal,331 (2018) 695–703. 4. Weilong Song, Hong You, Zhipeng Li, et al. Membrane fouling mitigation in a moving bed membrane bioreactor combined with anoxic biofilter for treatment of saline wastewater from mariculture. Bioresource technology, 243 (2017) 1051–1058. 5. Weilong Song, Lai Yoke Lee, Hong You, Xueqing Shi, How Yong Ng. Microbial community succession and its correlation with reactor performance in a sponge membrane bioreactor coupled with fiber-bundle anoxic bio-filter for treating saline mariculture wastewater. Bioresource technology, 295 (2020) 122284. 6. Weilong Song, How Yong Ng, Xueqing Shi, et al. Intertidal wetland sediment as a novel inoculation source for developing aerobic granular sludge in membrane bioreactor treating high-salinity antibiotic manufacturing wastewater. Bioresource technology, 314 (2020), 123715. 7. Weilong Song, Zhipeng Li, Feng Liu, et al. Effective removal of ammonia nitrogen from waste seawater using crystal seed enhanced struvite precipitation technology with response surface methodology for process optimization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, Jan, 25(1):628-638.
8. Weilong Song, Binghan Xie, Shujuan Huang, Fei Zhao, Xueqing Shi. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Advanced Membrane Separation Processes for Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management. Chapter 6: Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor Processes and Technologies. Elsevier, 2020, Pages: 129-145. ISBN: 978-0-12-819809-4.https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819809-4.00006-1. (Book Chapter) 9. Weilong Song, Lai Yoke Lee, How Yong Ng. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Emerging Organic Micro-pollutants. Chapter 21: Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes for the removal of micro-pollutants. Elsevier, 2020, Pages: 527-552. ISBN: 978-0-12-819594-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819594-9.00021-8.(Book Chapter) 10. Weilong Song, Lai Yoke Lee, Say Leong Ong and How Yong Ng. Fouling behavior in high recovery NF for industrial reverse osmosis brine treatment towards zero liquid discharge. WEFTEC 2019, 92nd Annual Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference (2019) 2429-2441. 11. Song Weilong, Dai Youzhi, Tang Bin, et al. Optimization on preparation technique of polymer composite flocculants using Box-Behnken response surface methodology. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2014, 8(7): 2753-2759. 12. Zhipeng Li, Weilong Song, Liu Feng, Yi Ding, Hong You, et al. (2018) The characteristic evolution of soluble microbial product and its effects on membrane fouling during the development of sponge membrane bioreactor coupled with fiber bundle anoxic bio-filter for treating saline wastewater. Bioresource technology, 266 (2018) 51–59. 13. CHENG Yingxiang, SONG Weilong, XU Youze, et al. Study on treatment of acidic high-arsenic wastewater with Na2S and polymer composite flocculants. Research of Environmental Sciences (EI, in Chinese), 2013, 26(9): 1007-1013.
近3年参与科研项目如下: 1.NUS-Sembcorp Corporate Lab-Theme 2: Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and ZLD-Project 2.3: Zero Liquid Discharge for Industrial Wastewater Treatment, 2016.04-2021.03, National Research Foundation Singapore, 2,169,574 SGD, 子课题负责人.